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Fields component

The field components let the user input date and time values with a keyboard and refined keyboard navigation.


The fields are React components that let you enter a date or time with the keyboard, without using any popover or modal UI. They provide refined navigation through arrow keys and support advanced behaviors like localization and validation.

Fields to edit a single element




Fields to edit a range

All fields to edit a range are available in a single input version and in a multi input version.








What is a section?

In the field components, the date is divided into several sections, each one responsible for the edition of a date token. For example, if the format passed to the field is MM/DD/YYYY, the field will create 3 sections:

  • A month section for the token MM
  • A day section for the token DD
  • A year section for the token YYYY

Those sections are independent, pressing ArrowUp while focusing the day section will add one day to the date, but it will never change the month or the year.

When is onChange called?

The field components have an internal state to update the visible value.

It will only call the onChange callback when:

  • the user fills one section of an empty input. The value equals Invalid date.
  • the user completes all sections of an input. The value reflects the input.
  • the user cleans one section of a completed input. The value equals Invalid date.
  • the user cleans all sections of an input. The value equals null.

In the example below, onChange will be called when any of the conditions are triggered:

Value: null

On range fields

On range fields (SingleInputDateRangeField / MultiInputDateRangeField / ... ), onChange will be called if the date you are modifying is matching one of the condition above, even if the other date does not.

In the example below, changing the value of the start date section will call onChange even if the end date is empty or partially filled.

Value: 04/17/2022 – null

Only update when the value is valid

The onChange callback received a 2nd parameter containing the validation error associated to the current value. If you only want to update your state when the value is valid, you can ignore any onChange call with a non-null validationError.

In the example below, onChange will only be called if the date is valid and its year is 2022:

Value: null

Press Enter to start editing

Control the selected sections

Use the selectedSections and onSelectedSectionsChange props to control which sections are currently being selected.

This prop accepts the following formats:

  1. If a number is provided, the section at this index will be selected.
  2. If "all" is provided, all the sections will be selected.
  3. If an object with a startIndex and endIndex fields are provided, the sections between those two indexes will be selected.
  4. If a string of type FieldSectionType is provided, the first section with that name will be selected.
  5. If null is provided, no section will be selected

Usage with multi input range fields

For multi input range fields, you just have to make sure that the right input is focused before updating the selected section(s). Otherwise, the section(s) might be selected on the wrong input.



Usage with single input range fields

For single input range fields, you won't be able to use the section name to select a single section because each section is present both in the start and in the end date. Instead, you can pass the index of the section using the unstableFieldRef prop to access the full list of sections:

